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What Do Modern Girls Need From Men?

It’s difficult to say what a woman needs from a man. A modern girl wants equality and independence, but, at the same time, longs for support, understanding, and financial help. It can be unambiguously argued that any woman wants love, affection, and tenderness from a man. The rest of the desires are different. The gentle sex has long ceased to be such, but from time to time they want to feel reliable support and care.

What Do They Want From Men?

The desires of a girl in the status of a bride and a wife differ significantly. In the first case, they want a sea of attention, affection, and tenderness, in the second — stability, confidence, and support. At the same time, some moments are relevant for women of any status.

  • Emotional connection

Without emotion, relationships are meaningless. Sensitive girls need constant nourishment. When the chosen one realizes that you need her, you appreciate her, she is ready to move mountains to make her partner happy. The emotional connection provides support during difficult and happy times.

5 Conditions Necessary for Intimacy

On the way to experiencing intimacy, various obstacles can arise in the form of merging with a partner and the organization of dependent relationships, mistakenly perceived as intimacy. Or, on the contrary, because of the fear of being absorbed, a person remains isolated due to the inability to open his boundaries to another. 

5 Conditions Required

Including intimacy can be perceived as a way of avoiding loneliness, such motivation is compensatory, then the need is not for intimacy, but in finding a way that allows you to somehow overcome your loneliness.

  • Desire or intention to enter into a close relationship

This is your choice, for which you will have to be responsible. Sometimes it is hard to be aware of it, and then it is easier to take offense or blame the other for the fact that, for some reason, the intimacy did not happen.

Why Is Attention Crucial in Relationship...

Attention is a demonstration of love to beloved ones, taking care of them. Constant care is one of the components of a harmonious relationship. It can take completely different forms: 

  • for example, a husband doesn’t allow his wife to walk alone on the streets in the evening, thereby showing concern and care for her safety;
  • she supports him in all endeavors, tries to be affectionate and friendly, especially when he comes home from work. 

These are all manifestations of attention and love. Attention is manifested in health care, joint communication, pleasant surprises — in everything that lovers do for each other.

Pay Not Only Attention but Due Attention to Each Other

Marriages break up because someone in the relationship doesn’t give what is important to the other. And it all starts with simple attention. When you are attentive, you notice exactly what your partner needs. Fulfill those needs that are crucial to them and not to you. The principle is simple: you are for them, they are for you. There’s a good book by Gary Chapman — The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. It will help you better understand yourself and your soulmate. It makes it easier to figure out exactly what you need to feel that you are paid enough attention. Some are warm, some are cold. It isn’t good or bad. This means that you need to love everyone in your own way. It happens that it is unbearable. Not everyone can “pull” an extrovert if the person is an introvert. People drift apart and say: “We are too different by nature.” Marriage is still a matter of acceptance. What we can and what we can’t. When you are attentive, you readily notice each other’s moods and needs. As a rule, it is the work in the little things that are felt the most. And this is work daily for two. It is about getting up early and making your soulmate’s favorite coffee. For them, it is to sit with the children for an extra hour, when there is no more energy at all. It is to give flowers, not on holidays, but without any reason. However, excessive attention can only alienate spouses from each other. The irrepressible control of the husband or the constant instructions of the wife — it is better not to allow such excessive attention, leaving the partner the necessary freedom.